Monday, October 26, 2015

Update in work and grades

 I have not posted the finally grades for my class yet. I will take the last late papers on Wednesday and I will update then.
 I will not post the Mesopotamia Test until Quarter 2. The students didn't do well on this test. I would prefer to use it for next nine weeks so they may raise their grade vs this test pulling them down. The students always do well on the first test and then relax for the second. This is what I saw on the second test. The students also have trouble with the second nine weeks because of relaxing from the first quarter and many holidays. Time passes without them realizing how fast it is going. The students are having trouble with their vocabulary. I asked them to use their flash cards they created and practice. This will help them at the end of the year exam.

We are now in Egypt:
10/22-23-Draw and Label map on p 67 and answer two questions.
10/26-27: voc p 68 and Questions p 73, 1abc,2abc Read p 68-73
10/28-29- Voc p 74 and questions p 79,1ab,2ab,3ab voc quiz Section 1,Read p 74-79
11/2-3-Pyramids- p 86-87 assessment Read p 86-87
11/4-5-voc p 80 and questions p 85, 1ab,2ab,3ab and quiz section 2, Read p 80-85
11/6-9-voc p 88 and questions p 93,1ab,2ab,3ab quiz section 3 Read p 88-93
11/10-12- using route maps P 94-95
11/13-11/16-Read p 96-100 voc p 96 and questions p 100,1ab,2ab,3ab
11/17-18- Review p 101 key terms 1-7, questions  p 102,8abc,9abc,10abc,11ab,12ab
11/19-20- Review and voc test Chapter 3
11/23-24- Test Chapter 3

Friday, October 9, 2015

The "No Name "wall

 Dear Parents,

My "No Name" on your paper wall is running out of room. I don't have nay more space to place a new paper. I encourage the Students to check the wall if they don't get a paper back.
In defense of the wall; I will every Student a progress report from my class on Friday(10/9) or Monday(10/12). I have every project and paper graded at the moment in time. Some of these papers are super and I would enjoy posting them to the lost person's grade. I am sure it would help them.

 Thank you for you help in this matter!! : )

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

lastest posting

9/28-9/29- Test Chapter 1  Draw and Label Map page 29 and two questions

9/30-10/1- Create an outline from pages 30-35

10/2-10/5-Voc p 30 questions p 35, 1ab,2ab,3ab and read p 36-37 and assessment

10/6-10/7- Quiz Section 1,Class Venn diagram, voc p 38 and questions p 42,1ab,2ab,3ab

10/8-10/9- Voc p 43, questions p 47, rituals and routines Hammurabi Style

10/12/10/13- Outline p 48-53

10/14-10/15- voc p 48 questions p 53

 Test before end of October.

 Timeline due October 6 and 7. Students were given the directions and examples two weeks ago.