Thank you to parents who sent in wish list items!! Tissues is something we always needs!!~ Hand sanitizer, paper, hand wipes are great!! WoW! and colored markers for the board. Thank you.
The group I saw from 1-4 appeared to be surviving. The first two weeks of Middle School are hard for mast students. It takes them a while to adjust to many new things, people, teachers, and places.
I will post on my board and a notepad the work we will do every day. The students need to copy this to their planners so you will also know what is going on in class.
The World History pre-test will be given this week. according to the schedule it will start on Tuesday and end on Wednesday. However, there is a possibility this test could be moved back a day.
The students have also been given rituals and routines. We have discussed them in class and the students know my expectations.
Rituals and Routines
1. Enter the class:
· and organize your books, supplies, and belongings on your desk.
· be seated in your assigned seat.
· and sharpen your pencil at this time.
2. Always come to class prepared with books, paper, writing utensils, and homework.
3. Homework will be listed on the board or on a large poster-size sheet in each class daily or as assigned. Assignments should be written in your planner at the end of the class period.
4. Make-up work can be found by looking at the homework sheet on the board or by asking the teacher or another student.
5. If you need to speak or get out of your seat for any reason, please raise your hand and get permission. This should only happen after the opening meeting for the class.
6. If you need to leave the class you must get permission to do so. Hall passes are a privilege and will only be granted when you are respectful and procedures are followed. Ask the teacher and have the teacher sign your planner.
7. If you need a pen/pencil, you may borrow one from your teacher or a classmate.
8. All papers should have the following heading in the upper right hand corner of the notebook paper:
- First and Last Name
- Subject/Period #
- Date
- Assignment
9. Dismissal: Students shall remain in their seats until the teacher dismisses the class.
10. Observe the county School Dress Code Policy.
11. Remember that school starts at 8:10 a.m. You are tardy at 8:11 a.m. Be on time and in your seat for each class.
12. Please keep your voice at a moderate level. Loud talking and yelling in class or in the hallways will not be tolerated.
13. Be respectful. Remember to keep your hands to yourself. Horseplay, punching, hitting, pushing, and fighting are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
Each student needs to have a composition book for World History and a spiral one for Enrichment Class. They will keep their work and notes in these books. You may check the notebooks to see how your student is doing in my class.
Here is the rubric for most class work and home work assignments:
Home Work Rubric- questions, maps, time lines and vocabulary
Student has written paper in cursive. Underlined vocabulary words and written the complete definition from the book. Restated the questions and written complete sentences. Work is capitalized correctly. Student shows complete evidence as to how they answered the questions. Student did not use pronouns to answer the questions. Spelling is good with very few or no mistakes. Paper is neat and organized with correct answers. Maps and/or time lines are correct, labeled and neat
Student has underlined vocabulary words and written complete definition. Restated questions and written complete sentences. Students have some evidence to how they got the answer. Student did not use pronouns to answer the questions. Capitalization is correct in sentences. Organized and readable writing used when answering questions, spelling is good. Student tried to get correct answers. Maps and/or time lines are with paper and are labeled correctly.
1-needs improvement
Student didn’t complete questions or definitions. Paper is messy and unreadable. Incorrect answers. Student used pronouns instead of restating the question. There is no evidence as to how the student came up with the answer. Student wrote “I don’t know” as answer and shows no effort. Map not included with paper or not labeled correctly.
0-make up
Teacher has never seen paper. Paper doesn’t have teacher stamp. Student may complete the assignment and turn in late with a penalty.
. The students will be given a Rubric on the expectations of their work.Please feel free to contac me:
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