Sunday, September 14, 2014

 Dear Parents,
 I have updated the grades. The grades may not immediately populate to your child's grade portal. Sometimes there is a day difference between my grade book and your grade portal.
 Please remember I only update the grade portal once a week. I only see your child only two or three times a week. I don't always have an assignment to grade or I may have several assignments to grade. I will always work hard to return your child's papers by the next class I have them, but I may not always have them posted, since I only do this once a week.
 Please feel free to contact me anytime over a grade issue. Your children all have
   a rubric in their journals about my expectations. I have gone over this rubric several times to make sure they understand the way to do the work.
 I am asking for the children to restate the question in the answer, write complete sentences and give evidence to support their answer. This is to help them succeed on the eighth grade writing test.

 I am having trouble getting the students to take notes in their planners on how to do their work or home learning. The children seem to be relying on only my blog and not all the places the schedule is posted in the room. I am worried they don't see it as their responsibility to write information down in the classroom, when I ask if they understand a project, they reply, "just post it on the blog". This bothers me a bit. They need to learn about their responsibility to you and themselves.

Many examples of the timeline project have been given in class. I will follow here with more information.

Top- pictures and events of the student


2003       2004           2005               2006      2007         2008                                           2014
/-------------/--------------/-------------/------------/------------/                                   ----------/

Bottom world event

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