Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Finally reconnecting!!

 I have had a rough time getting Blogger, duval county schools and Google to agree. I have finally convinced them all to work together. Thank you for your patience. It has been very frustrating! I know for both of us.

Here is the chart information to help you catch up:

9/1-9/2- Base line Testing

9/8-9/9- Migration   Home work P FL52-FL55

9/10-9/11- Geography and History  Read p 6-9 and do * vocabulary index cards and Questions p 9, 1a,b,c;2a,b,c. The students need to restate the question, write complete sentences and give evidence for their answers.

* index vocabulary cards- Cards should have vocabulary word and coordinating picture on the front and the complete definition from the book on the back. Creating a flash card.

9/14-9/15- Time lined page 10-11 in Textbook. Students will do Practice the skill and Apply the Skill. *Timeline project assigned due for A on October 6 and for B October 7.

* timeline project- The students will need a poster board for this project. The board should be used on the long side. The students are to create a time line from the year they were born ( 2003,2004,2005). The top part of the Timeline should be pictures representing your child's life from Birth to 2015. The bottom of the Timeline should be world events for each year of your child's life. These events should have pictures also. Both sets of pictures should have small captions identifying them. The student were shown how to research this information and they drew an example in their journals.

9/16-9/17- Pre History   Read p 12-17  *vocabulary index cards for the words on page 12 and questions only on p 17, 1 a,b,c and 2 a,b,c.

 I have been grading papers most night and pass them back., However I only update the grades once a week. Please be patient with me and I will be with you. We both have the same Goal.

Biggest problems I see when grading papers:

no name on paper or cards
incomplete sentences
not restating the question
Writing out the questions, when not needed
Not reading the questions correctly causing the answer to be incorrect
Not following directions
Not following Rubric

I have also seen some lovely papers. I get so excited when I read them!!!

 The students will be having some quizzes coming up soon. The test will be towards the end of this month.

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