Friday, November 15, 2013

Upcoming work. 11/8-12/4

 All of the students have been give a copy of their current grade in my class and a list of their missing work. Please have your child complete any make up work as soon as possible.
 I have also give the students templates of how to do an outline. They were given several examples for the first attempt. most of the students did very well. The template and second attempt is coming up next week.

11/8-11/12-Read p 38-42 quiz Venn diagram  p 38-42, questions page 42
11/13-11/14- READ P 43-47 Chart p 43 and quiz
11/15-11/18- question p 47, review  and quiz
11/19-11/20-Outline p 48-53, use template as example, quiz
11/21-11/22-  Questions p 53, Main Idea p 54-55, vocabulary cards p 56
11/25-11/26- questions p 60-, video Judaism
11/27-12/2-HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! : )
12/3-12/4-Review and prepare for test Chapter 2 Review p 62,15,a,b,c-19,a,b,c
12/5-12/6- test Chapter 2 and Welcome to Egypt!