Thursday, April 17, 2014

lastest update and Parents need as chaperones for several upcoming trips.

 Dear Parents!
 We have several upcoming Field Trips and need Chaperones. It is nice to keep groups down to 5 people. DCPS requires 1 chaperone to every 10 students. This makes for some very large groups, so 1/5 is much better. If you volunteer to chaperone, your child may pick the people for their group. I can't promise they will get all of their choices, because everyone needs a chaperone. We will do the best we can.
 Field trips and dates:

1 May 2014- World Of Nations. If you have not paid for lunch ticket, I can only get you a entrance pass and parking pass.
 I need 42 chaperones for all of the sixth grade.

13 May 2014-Zoo trip- Cost for students $8.00, which includes admission, bus ride, and meal( hot dog, hamburger, or PBJ, chips and drink).( additional food can be purchased).

28 May 2014- Still in planning stage- EPCOT

 Daily Journal World History:
4/16-4/17- Read p 198-203, voc cards p 198, questions p 203, chart p 198( Venn diagram)- test on Classical Greece with book.

4/18- Holiday!!

4/21-4/22-Video Greek Civilization, Read p 206-213, voc p 206, ques p 213, 1abc, 2abc,3abc
 Chart p 206- Athens/Sparta

4/23-4/24- The Fall of Greece read p 216-222, voc p 216, ques p 222, 1abc, 2abc

4/25-4/28- Review P 223-224
write out 1-8 and then ques, 9ab,10abc,11abc,12abc

4/29-4/30-  Test Greece
Rise of Rome Read p 228-235, Voc p 228, ques p 235,1ab,2ab,3ab  Taking notes p 228

May 1- Field trip World of Nations, dress code, spending money, sun glasses, hats.

 Daily Journal- Reading

4/10- Greece stories - p 167-168-169-170-174-176- student will read stories and create plays

Work assigned and turned in should be worksheet packet with drawings and pictures of Greece and a River Valley civilization.

4/14- review and groups will plan how to turn the story into a play.

4/16- Groups will present Plays.

4/18- Introduction to Holocaust using Leadership documentary " Paper Clips"

4/22- Assign new books, historical fiction on Holocaust.

4/22- read book, discussion group and Study Guide.