Tuesday, November 6, 2012


November for periods 1,2,5,6

10/31-11/1-voc ( key Terms)p 38 questions p 42,1 a,b;2a,b;3a,b
11/2-11/3- outline p 43-47 quiz Section 2
1/16-11/7- Hammurabi's Code- voc p 43( key terms) and ques p 47,1a,b,c;2a,b,c
11/8-11/9- Cuneiform and Phoenician- outline p 48-53 quiz section 3
                   Project School code of conduct and Hammurabi's Code( due 11/19-11/20)
11/13-11/14- Phoenicians- voc p 48(key terms), ques p 53,1a,b;2a,b;3a,b
11/15-11/16- Main Idea p 54-55, practice skills and apply skills Quiz Section 4
11/19-11/20- Judaism- Outline p 56-60

4th  period-
11/2- outline p 30-35
11/6- (key terms) vocabulary p 30 questions p 35,1a,b;2a,b;3a,b
11/8- Outline p 38-42 -quiz section 1- p 30-35
11/13-voc( key Terms)p 38, questions p 42,1a,b;2a,b;3a,b
11/15- outline 43-47 -quiz section 2 p 38-42
11/19- voc p 43( key terms) ques p 47,1a,b,c;2a,b,c

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