Thursday, September 19, 2013

World History uncoming schedule! : )

 I will not be at school for the next two weeks. I will be going to the Galapagos Islands with a group from the University of Eastern Tennessee. My husband and I are excited to be included in this group and plan to study the islands and the story of Darwin.I can't wait to see the Finches and Tortoises. I promise to take picture and share them with the students. Loving Geography and History, I can't wait to stand on the Equator in Ecuador and be in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the same time!
I have a wonderful teacher, Ms Carrero taking my place and she is armed with assignments!!
This is the next list of assignments and test:
9/13-9/16- Maps do What?                       
                FL 45, questions 1-2
9/17-/9/18- Reading Maps
                  FL46-FL51, questions
9/19-9/20- More Maps
                   FL 52-55, questions

9/23-9/24- Foldable
                      students will create a fold able of  The Six Elements of Geography
9/25-9/26- Map Skill test FL38-FL55
                       Draw Map on page 5 and answer questions on page 5, Identify and Infer
9/27-9/30- Iceman P 6-7  video and questions to solve watching the DVD

10/1-10/2- words creating vocabulary cards with drawings and examples from the book and web of pages 6-9

10/3-10/4- Geography and History
read page 6-9 again and answer questions p 9, 1a,b,c and 2a, b, c
writing activity p 9 with a partner

10/7-10/8-Quiz pages 6-9 in World History Book. Time lines apply the skill
Project on timeline introduced due 10/17-10/18 Personal Time line

10/9-10/10 Prehistory read p 12-16 create table of notes p 12

READING-- 9/23-students need to have completed study guide for their book at the end of class.
                      9/25-10/4- read new book and complete study guide.
10/7-teacher check on study guide and Journal.


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